Toads vs. Frogs


In many peoples minds, Toads and Frogs are synonymous, however, the two families of animals could not be more different

Toads and Frogs are part of the same evolutionary path, but they have many differences that make them distinguishable

Some differences are:

  1. Toads don't live in the water
    • Toads live near water, but they only use shallow water to breed, as they cannot swim. On the other hand, Frogs can swim and they spend most of their life in the water.
  2. Frogs don't have teeth
    • Toads don't require teeth because they rely on thier camouflage to surprise their prey and then swallow it whole.
  3. Frogs have slippery and thin skin
    • Since Toads live on land, they need thick skin to protect them from their surroundings.

There are also some internal differences

For example, Toads of both sexes have a rudimentary ovary called the Bidder's organ

If you still don't understand the differences between them, I have created a cheatsheet for you.

Below is a chart that will help you understand which animals are frogs and which animals are toads

cute frog not equal dirty toad

If you want to continue learning about Frogs,click here to learn about Frogs as pets